Posted in Crosswalk, Faith, Life

Passion 2011 Recap – JESUS! – (and my one word)

Ay!  I ended 2010 tired exhausted – on all fronts; physically, emotionally, spiritually… It was like November and December came through, sucked me into a Hoover Wind Tunnel Vacuum Cleaner and spit me out.  Hello New Year’s Eve.  There were many reasons for feeling that way, some within my control, some not within my control… And to say Passion 2011 came a good time would be to minimize all our Sovereign, Loving, Wonderful God did in this time.

I wasn’t supposed to go.  Childcare wasn’t working out.  There weren’t enough tickets. Then it did.  Then there were.  I didn’t realize how sad I was about not going with Kev and CrossWalk to Passion until I found out that I got to go!  GLORY!

I could probably do a blog series on each message we heard and what God was/is doing in addition to what He did through Passion, but I’m going to give you a quick one-two liner from each message of how God spoke/is speaking to me.

Louie G.

When you say YES to God, you say NO to a whole bunch of other things.

Circumstances do not hinder God.

Beth M.

Renew your mind. Eliminate distractions. Be still.

David P.

Hello David Platt.  Nice to meet you… NOT! (JK – I’m going to read your book)

Pray for Jesus to be enough.

Francis C.

Phil 1: 27 Let your manner of life be worthy if the gospel of Christ.

Our lives should match what we believe (and mine doesn’t… on many fronts)
Andy S.
Control your appetites so they don’t control you.
Reframe/Refrain when something entices your appetite… doing so could change the future…
Francis C. (breakout)
Biggest change the church needs, each individual start making disciples.
Love one another.
Pray for and love each other and make disciples.
John P.
Do you feel more loved by God bc He makes much of you? Or when He frees you to enjoy making much of Him forever…
-> FOR HIS GLORY… to love Him, serve Him, please Him
After we peel back the layers of our motives, like an onion, only then can we see what lies at the bottom, us or God?
Louie G.
Carry the name of Jesus wherever we go.  We’re going to carry a name; Taylor Swift, Apple, Aeropostale, Angry Birds, Francis Chan…  What name do you want to carry – Carry JESUS!!
All that to say, maybe you’ve heard of the OneWord thang… I wasn’t really planning on doing a OneWord… ’til I got One :).  I can see this word in each of the messages above.  I can see my dire need for this word in 2011.  So, here goes… my OneWord for 2011 is….


Lord, Help me.


❤️ Jesus. ❤️ my GrubFam. ❤️ my students. “Keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith...” ‭‭Heb.‬ ‭12:2‬

7 thoughts on “Passion 2011 Recap – JESUS! – (and my one word)

  1. Sounds like an awesome event!! I can’t wait to read more of what you learned. Simply is a great word! I’ve not decided on one yet.


  2. Wow. Thanks for the recap!! We are in a society where doing everything is considered best. When in reality, keeping it simple is truly best. LOVE your one word being simplify 🙂 I think we all could use some simplifying in our lives.


  3. such a powerful word! i’ve been thinking about my own need to simplify in so many areas. i want to start cutting out the empty calories of my life (and i don’t just mean in food)…


Any thoughts??